Motivational Monday


The Paradox: One Son, Many Nations.

Did it take Father Abraham more than one Isaac to become father of nations? You'd be quick to presume such an entity must have many wives and children to live to the demand of that title.

The seed you require to become who you are called to be, more often than not are not plenty. One seed takes you to a phase of your life's journey. And at the end of a phase, another seed is required to birth a greater calling.

Today you will start with what you have, where you are; that little when harnessed or consolidated properly will take you through this material moment to the distance its capacity is designed to last.

It is time wasting waiting to be great to get started. You probably have plan to start another Fortune-500 company, please begin with one person, a thousand in your savings, one skill at a time, and you will be amazed how that little seed of resources can initiate the domino effect of your greatness.
You carry the seed inside to become many nations. A little of you can become many. One promised son can make you father of nations.
Enjoy your week.


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